Hudson loved his costume from the moment we put it on him in Old Navy. He immediately began "hamming" it up in the mirror for Grandma Carol. He tried it on several times at home before Haloween and loved wearing it.
I know, I know, call me Benedict Arnold.... its an easy costume, you'll have to forgive me -Peter
This was Traci's second costume of the day. Early she was dressed up as a Gesha, but that costume was far too cold for the early evening weather. Cohen quickly tuckered out and was all the rage on the trick or treating circuit.

Hudson loved trick or treating. It took him about an hour to figure out that he was actually collecting candy. Once he did we quickly decided that we should limit him to four mini candy bars. On the car ride home, Peter was silly enough to let him hold the candy bucket. The whole ride home he repeatedly asked "mommy, open please". To which we both responded in chorus, "no Hudson, candy all-done". About half way home we heard him say "thank you mommy". We thought nothing of it until a few blocks later when we heard him smacking his lips. He had chewed through the wrapper and was sucking the "baby ruth" out through the tiny holes he had punctured with his teeth! Hilarious, worth letting him have another piece of chocolate.

Hudson loved trick or treating. It took him about an hour to figure out that he was actually collecting candy. Once he did we quickly decided that we should limit him to four mini candy bars. On the car ride home, Peter was silly enough to let him hold the candy bucket. The whole ride home he repeatedly asked "mommy, open please". To which we both responded in chorus, "no Hudson, candy all-done". About half way home we heard him say "thank you mommy". We thought nothing of it until a few blocks later when we heard him smacking his lips. He had chewed through the wrapper and was sucking the "baby ruth" out through the tiny holes he had punctured with his teeth! Hilarious, worth letting him have another piece of chocolate.
So Damn Cute......